
Medic All collaborates with clinics, practices, and other relevant organizations beyond those listed below.

In Person Interaction

The greatest limitation of a fully telemedical organization is the inability to conduct tests and distribute medication. In cases where such services are necessary, Medic All is partnered with local free clinics and social service healthcare programs to allow prescriptions to be filled and complete tests at minimal to no charge for patients. Moreover, by sharing patient databases, these partnerships alleviate clinic load and spread Medic All’s reach.

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Healthcare Professionals

Medic All uses volunteering healthcare professionals to provide services to users. The organization is partnered with established medical practices and groups and healthcare teaching institutions as a source for volunteering professionals. Healthcare professionals that are not affiliated to partnered organizations provide necessary credentials prior to volunteering.

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Medic All is partnered with a host of organizations, including community outreach teams and departments, as a way to distribute and spread awareness of the service. Our partnership with digital healthcare organizations helps facilitate technology integration into Medic All.

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